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Good press for hybrid technologies
Electro and hybrid drives are beacons of hope everywhere. The "traditional" engines must be prepared to be ready to comply with strict climate protection and emission regulations. Improved fuel injection, secure handling of high pressures, expertise in precise dosage and intelligent, even faster controls are required.
Energy efficiency is becoming a decisive factor, not only for motor vehicles, but also for machines and components. Therefore, a complex view of the system right at the start of the project is just as important as finely tuned development steps that are always a multidisciplinary matter and require precise measurement technology.
However, energy efficiency also means making the primary energy applied usable by linking processes as completely as possible. Here, provenion is setting new standards in the large-scale use of waste heat from industrial processes, together with other innovative entrepreneurs.
Interdisciplinary expertise, an inventor's spirit and the competitiveness of the PROVENION EMPLOYEES to find the best solutions make us reach our full potential.
Put us to the test!

Project example (automotive)
High-quality carburetor adjustment and final inspection of Otto engines
To comply with legal exhaust emission standards and to ensure the nominal capacity of the devices it is common practice to perform quality-controlled carburetor adjustments during final inspection while the engine is running ...

Project example (combustion technology and energy efficiency)
Cost-effective compliance with new exhaust emission limits related to a new construction machinery engine