Thanks to our partners and the networks we are part of we are able to be still more creative.
We would be happy to show you our way of networking.
+49 (0) 8106-92928-0

Sparring partner instead of basic researcher
An essential formula for success in terms of solving new problems is our ability to identify and selectively use synergies.
We are not basic researchers from scientific institutes, but we are familiar with and make use of their latest findings. We invent as little as possible from scratch, but instead combine available, tried and tested concepts in intelligent and sometimes new ways.
For this, we practise intensive communication between all technical, scientific and economic disciplines involved and bring together a wide variety of expertise.

We have contact with the development institutions and are represented in major networks so that we do not lose the ability to look beyond our own discipline:
Networked for success:

In special disciplines, we rely for example on the following experienced partners:

We enjoy working with products from: