To learn more about this special product development please feel free to contact Wolfram Hellmich at

History of development of FFI
A typical provenion project: A clean 2-stroke engine for the 21st century
- from the first idea in 1988
- to a global success of our customers
- to the endusers' excitement
- and to the benefit of nature and environment!

Until 2007, the FFI engine model range was consequently expanded up to more than 15 different types ranging from 40 up to 250 HP.
These were the first outboard engines in the market to fulfill the exhaust emission standards of EPA 2006 and CARB 2008 "Three star ultra low emission standards". The admission of the engines for use on the Lake of Constance which has the strictest exhaust emission limits worldwide thus was a real sensation.

2001 - February
The production of EVINRUDE® and JOHNSON® engines was taken over by the Canadian group BOMBARDIER in February 2001. BOMBARDIER’s strongest interest lay in using and distributing our direct injection technology as well as further developing it with the support of provenion engineers.

Until the model year 2001, OMC expanded its production by nine further "FFI models" distributed under the trade name EVINRUDE®. The engine power ranged from 75 HP up to 250 HP. And thanks to the FICHT Fuel Injection all models, already at that time, complied to the exhaust emission standard of 2006!

Until 2000, we consequently further developed the FFI technology together with OMC - also for jet skis and snowmobiles by KAWASAKI and personal watercrafts by POLARIS among others.

The first engine was produced under the trade name of Johnson:
150 HP, V-6 cylinder – and thanks to FFI the fuel consumption could be reduced by 30%, the emission of harmful exhaust gases by more than 80%!

In 1995, OMC started to manufacture the FICHT® Fuel Injection. That same year serial production of the first 2-stroke engine with direct fuel injection worldwide was started.

A research program was run together with OMC, the largest USA-based manufacturer of outboard engines worldwide. The results were so promising that OMC bought a license in 1993 and prepared for production.

In the following years many successfully tests with engines from 50 ccm up to 500 ccm per cylinder were carried out to ensure that there were no limits for the application.

In 1991, after many months of intensive work of testing work, the time had come: The first 2-stroke engine with FFI direct injection was tested under real conditions.

Until 1990, intensive work was done on the fundamentals and the entire issue was investigated, from pressurisation to fuel atomization and internal combustion engine processes.

In 1988, first tests took place with an electronically controlled injection system according to the hydraulic ram principle.